Monday, June 13, 2011

Awesome new show brings disney magic to your backyard!

Wow, I sure hope that I can win this someday. HGTV has a new show called "My Yard Goes Disney". Every Monday at 8 watch a lucky family's backyard be converted into a Disney themed backyard. Check out the video of the premiere and this image of another park with a safari theme

1 comment:

  1. Ok... so here is what has to happen:

    1. have child
    2. buy house with ugly backyard
    3. allow child to grow up for about 4 years
    4. enter into 'My Yard Goes Disney' competition every single day for a year
    5. make yard uglier
    6. have second child
    7. dress both children as Disney characters for school every day
    8. re-enter every single day

    If we don't have success with this formula it is totally rigged!! We got this honey!!!
