Disney Family!!
Here is the update you have all been waiting for! We are so excited about Disneyland Day and all that it brings. Our last update was full of hello's and invitations and now it's time for the MEAT!! Mickey's little helpers have been getting together to plan the inner workings of this special weekend and now it is time to let everyone in on the excitement!
First, Savanna and Brit are going to be making everyone awesome matching Tshirts to wear on Saturday around the park. They will be loud and proud so get excited!! The Tshirts are going to be $8 p/person. Feel free to pay your dues at our Disneyland Day KICKOFF BREAKFAST (more details later). We will need to get started on the shirts right away so please respond to this email with your tshirt size and the name you would like on your shirt. If we don't get a name we'll just use your first name. A sneak peak:
Next, this year Mickey has upped the fun with our annual first Disneyland Day...
Mouse Hunt is a competition between all parties that were invited to attend Disneyland Day. Contestants do not have to go with us to Disneyland to participate. There will be a Mouse Champion, that champion will be the 2011 Disneyland Day Mouseketeer!!They will be awarded an official Mouse Hunt TROPHY which they get to keep until the next year when a new winner is announced. There will be additional awards given out to other outstanding participants.
Official rules...
Every Monday at 8pm (MST) we will be sending out an email to everyone containing the current score of The Hunt and 2 questions: the weekly Mouse Hunt question, and a Fact Fanatic (bonus) question.
The first person to respond with a correct answer will be given 10 points!!!
A correct answer is worth 7 points, but you will be deducted 1 point for every 24 hours that go by.
An incorrect answer is worth 5 points, but again, that goes down 1 point for every 24 hours that go by.
The bonus question can be answered for 3 points, this just has to answered BEFORE the following Monday at 8pm (MST) and can be sent in separately from your main answer.
2 bonus points will be awarded to those in attendance at the Kickoff Breakfast.
If you have any questions about it let us know. EVERYONE is encouraged to participate, even people not coming. This is NOT a team sport. Every member of the family should submit an answer of their own.
Disneyland Day 2011 Kick Off Breakfast/Awards Ceremony
The Awards Ceremony will be Saturday morning at 8am at the IHOP next to Disneyland. Everyone will meet there to eat breakfast, collect your shirt, submit the answer to the last Mouse Hunt question and participate in the crowning of our 2011 Mouseketeer! You will not want to miss this monumental event!!
Thanks guys! We are SO excited. Your first Mouse Hunt question will be sent this coming Monday 1/31 at 8:00pm MST... Be ready!!!!
Much Love,
Michael & Brit