Disney Family,
This week, the first person to respond with the correct answer was... SAVANNA!!! She gets 3 extra points. Her email came 8 minutes after the question was asked. We had SIX people answer within the first 13 minutes. Way to go guys!!
It's only our first week and things are already so fun!!! I have loved your emails.
This week, the center of Disneyland is...
The brass spike just under Sleeping Beauty's castle.
If that is what you sent me (or something close) you got 7 points!!
As you may have seen in Kim's email, the center was originally the giant compass just in front of the castle (so that would also have been an acceptable answer) but with the addition of Toon Town, at the back of the park, the center moved. Now millions of people step right over that small marker without knowing what it is. But now you'll all know!
Everyone who answered anything at all still got 5 points, so no biggie if you were wrong, here are some of your "good guesses"...
The Walt and Mickey Statue, Sleeping Beauty's castle, and we even got a Tom Sawyer's Island!
Remember, there is still a chance for you guys to get the bonus question!
Next Monday at 8pm (MST) you will be getting question #2 plus another bonus question!
Michael & Brit
p.s. I think I smell a pop quiz question on the horizon...
One more little thing. While trying to find more info about the center of Disneyland, I found some sites trying to say that the spike as the center was just a rumor. So I took a snapshot from google maps and measured it myself using photoshop. It was only about 5 pixels (a very small amount) off from what I could measure as the dead center of the image. Since the picture was taken at an angle from a satelite, and the "border" of Disneyland is not super clear, I am pretty sure we can call this a Disneyland Fact!!
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